My main purpose for participating in the M4T-Advanced course, provided by
Integrating Technology, is to allow for continuance of pushing myself out of my old comfort zone, which is no longer as comfortable as it use to be. Previously, I was content with basic Web 1.0 & Web 2.0 tools, such as Microsoft word and ppt, as well as email and instant messaging. Those tools served my needs as I perceived them. Sure, I knew about the value of interaction within a learning environment and that the sage on the stage was not the only medium in which folks can learn in a learning environment. Then, thanks to a colleague’s recommendation that I learn Moodle because I want to teach online, I enrolled in the M4T-Beginners course. Through this course my thinking was enlightened. I found that I greatly enjoyed learning Moodle as a dynamic learning management system (LMS) and the value of incorporating Web 2.0 tools to create an engaging learning experience. Further, I found that Moodle and Web 2.0 tools provided an excellent opportunity for people around the world to connect, learn, and create without limitations to time or place.
With the shifting of my world and my entire attitude about Web 2.0 tools, I am continuing onward in my quest to create vibrant and engaging learning environments with the Moodle LMS. I want to learn more techniques about what makes an authentic learning experience and how to use Moodle and Web 2.0 tools in that experience. As well, I want to take my ability to teach beyond a lecture and the provision of reading resources and create, with Web 2.0 tools, captivating learning experiences with creative twists.
The goals of this course, as established in the syllabus, intend that I reach a mastery level of online and blended instructional design. The outcomes of that learning, for me, have multi-faceted implications. I will continue to learn Moodle, Web 2.0 tools, online learning pedagogies, best practices, about the latest research and publications, and, best of all, connect, communicate, and collaborate with brilliant folks around the world.
My project for this course will be to create an online introductory course in business while explaining why I designed the course in the fashion that I did.
I am fortunate and thankful for the opportunity to participate.